Tuesday, February 8, 2011

News on Egypt due Monday

Everyday this week new news stories on Egypt have appeared, each displaying the amount of chaos that has and is occurring. The current dictator of Egypt, Mubarak, has called back the police resulting in pure lawlessness with the goal of having the Egyptian rebels wanting him back in power in order to restore order. As shown by events occurring last week, however, the rebels are still standing strong, armed with anything they can use for a weapon to defend themselves against looters and escaped convicts. Mubarak has announced that he will not, after 30 years of ruling, seek to “run” for another term, and will step down from power when the elections take place after seeing how firing his entire cabinet did not change the rebel’s sentiment towards him. Unsatisfied, the rebels want him to leave office immediately, under the assumption that in the time between now and the next elections, Mubarak could either regain power or rig the election to his favor, allowing him to continue to have power. With the army now present in Cairo, some of the chaos has died down; nevertheless, violence and protests are still prevalent. Considering the steps that each side has taken, such as the government shutting down the Internet and other communication devices, to extreme violence displayed by certain protesters, it does not seem as if either of them will peacefully step down.

Various news articles + news on TV over Friday, Saturday, and Sunday

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