Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Topic Ideas

Topic 1: Nuclear Weapons
1. Iran nuke development
2. Effects on the world's security
3. Nuclear war
4. U.S. nuclear relations
5. Russia's nukes
6. Should Iran have nukes?
7. Demilitarization of nukes
8. Should the U.S. stop/ease development of nukes
9. Different country's positions on nukes
10. Past nuclear bombs (Hiroshima, Nagasaki)
11. Nuclear weapons and the Cold War
12. History of how nuclear weapons were invented and put into use
13. General information of nuclear weapons and how severe they are
14. Medical effects of nukes on the human body after an explosion
15. Side supporting nukes, side opposing nukes

Topic 2: Global Economy
1. Currency war
2. World inflation/deflation
3. Comparison of different economies of the world
4. Global economic growth - what is it, how is it determined
5. Global imports/exports
6. How nations deal with debt
7. Troubles with the Euro
8. Idea of single global currency
9. U.S. dollar as world reserve
10. First world vs. Third world economies
11. Major types of economies in use- Smith, Keynesian, Marx
12. Country trade relations
13. Compare standard of living with different economies
14. Unemployment
15. How different countries spend their budget

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