Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Gasland: 5 Questions

"Gasland" is a documentary by Josh Fox that explores the affects of natural gas drilling on Americans living near the rigs. Throughout the documentary Fox interviews many people, from the citizens effected to important figures in the EPA. Because he will be visiting our school, five questions I would ask him would be:
1. What was the main inspiration for creating a documentary on the subject?
2. How much has the natural gas drilling affected your life and house specifically?
3. Even though the documentary is finished, are you still working to expose the drilling?
4. Is your main purpose of the film to completely halt all natural gas drilling, or to have more regulations to make it safe for the people who live near them?
5. I'm assuming that your film has generated a considerable amount of money. Do you have any plans to invest it in making a sequel or advancing your cause?

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