Thursday, October 7, 2010

MA Governor- Deval Patrick

Governor Deval Patrick is up for reelection this year for the Massachusetts governor race. He is the candidate for the Democratic Party, running against candidates from the green rainbow party, Republican Party, and an independent. While not everyone agrees with everything he stands far, there are certain reasons why he should be reelected and certain reasons why he shouldn’t.
The current governor should be reelected by the citizens of Massachusetts because of a few motives. One reason should be because he is our current governor. In these rough times where time is important in making decisions, Patrick would be able to return to a familiar environment where he could get back to work. Other candidates, if elected, would need a few days to get used to being governor and would have to be briefed of what had been going on behind the scenes. In my opinion, he also seems to have good intentions. For example, from reading his post on and from looking at his website, he feels like education is one of the most important issues that should be dealt with. If what he says is true, then he could end up helping the education system.
The positives being said, there are also reasons why Patrick shouldn’t be reelected as governor. Two aspects that stood out to me were those on energy and immigration. According to the post written by Patrick himself, he thinks that it’s time to be in a clean energy world. I disagree with that. I feel that the era of clean energy will come when it’s cheaper and more accessible than fossil fuel based energy. When the public wants it, they will buy it, and seeing as though everyone prefers fossil fuel based sources rather than wind or solar, whether it be the price or a different issue, it is not the era of clean energy. With Patrick, the government will be promoting an industry that the people, by voting with their dollars, don’t want as much as other industries. I feel that this is a waste of time and money and is a place where the government doesn’t belong. On the issue of immigration, the governor did not answer the question given to him. Nowhere in his post does he say he agrees or disagrees with the Arizona law. By looking at his track record, I feel as if he doesn’t know how to deal with the issue. By giving tax-supported public housing, university tuitions, and drivers’ licenses to people who come here in vain of the law, I see it as he is rewarding those who have broken the law with the citizens’ money. If he must use taxes to pay for other’s colleges and housing, he should give it to tax-paying citizens, not people who have broken the law. On a final issue, he doesn’t give an answer as to what he will do with the economy. He states that his administration will create jobs, and the new jobs are needed, but I think it’s safe to say that everyone would agree. He doesn’t, however, say exactly how he will creates these jobs he talks about, which gives me the impression that, for some reason, his method could have a consequence that he doesn’t want the public to know.
Overall, I think it’s easy to see that I don’t support him as a governor. I think he’s irresponsible with money, and can’t manage it well. I also disagree with him on many issues, and his record of his time as governor doesn’t seem to sit very well. While I’d first assume he’d be better than a Green-Rainbow Party candidate, I have a strong feeling that I’d choose either the Republican or the Independent before Deval Patrick.

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