Monday, October 11, 2010

Government MA: Charlie Baker

Charlie Baker is the Republican candidate running for the Massachusetts governor position. Because he is a Republican, he tends to believe the opposite of what the Democratic candidate, Deval Patrick, believes. There are a few reasons why he should be chosen as the governor over all of the other candidates. One would be how he wants to stop wasteful government spending and wants to create a more organized budget for the state. He also supports the public school system and claims to want to fix it. His stance of Healthcare is to lower it, as governor Patrick also wants to do. However, most government officials don’t know how the system works and because Baker was the CEO of an insurance agency, he knows exactly how the insurance companies work. Another positive is how Baker wants to lower taxes basically across the board, allowing people to spend more money in the economy rather than saving it thinking that their taxes could be going up. Finally, I agree with him on his stance of illegal immigrants. He supports the Arizona law and doesn’t think illegal immigration should be rewarded with tax-funded benefits.
The positive being said, there certainly are negatives and why you shouldn’t vote for Charlie Baker. First, he says he wants to stop wasteful government spending. While I believe that he honestly wants to, I doubt that he will. In my opinion, the Republicans are just as bad as the Democrats. They say they will lower spending, but the spending only goes up. His claim that he will lower healthcare costs also doesn’t make sense to me. He won’t specify on how he will accomplish this goal, which only leads me to assume that his solution is government intervention to artificially lower prices. With the new federal healthcare bill, costs will go up and I don’t believe Baker can stop it.
With a choice of only Baker and Patrick, I would side with Baker. Deval Patrick as proven to me to be untrustworthy, and I am against him on many policies. While in effect I don’t think Baker would be an opposite to Patrick, I agree more so with his stance on policies and the fact that he wants to lower taxes, which I think are ridiculously high.

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