Monday, December 6, 2010

News in the UK- Lib Dems and Tuition Fees

The United Kingdom and Great Britain are finally, along with many other countries, seeing the consequences of their over-the-top government spending to pay for entitlement programs. In Britain, there have been many student protests because the government can no longer pay for college education to the extent that they have been. Of course, it makes sense that raising fees would cause anger and unease among the student population because they feel as if they are entitled to a relatively cheap education. According to the video, many student protests are turning their anger towards the Liberal Democrat party, specifically because they ran on the promise not to raise the fees. The Liberal Democrats, however, should not have promised something that they knew could not continue on forever. Many are now expected to vote in favor of raising the fees because in reality, the only way to effectively reduce the United Kingdom’s budget is to look towards the entitlement programs; something that the UK has an abundance of.

Watching the video helped me to realize that the politicians in the UK and those in the United States have much in common, and will do anything as long as they gain votes. Economically, and abundance of entitlement programs does not make sense; there is just no way to pay for it all forever. That said, as seen in the UK and the US, entitlement programs work wonderfully in politics, because who wouldn’t vote for someone who would entitle you to more money and less responsibility? This video displays a perfect example of the consequences of entitlement programs, specifically in the United Kingdom in the case of protests carried out by students who feel as if their rights and entitlements are being stolen from them.


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